
Bullet Journaling | Organisation

I first learnt about this amazing organisational system after reading this guest post on The Organised Housewife and instantly fell in love with the idea.

In short, bullet journalling is a system of bulleted lists that enable you to fully organise your life.

Here is a basic overview from the creator of the Bullet Journal

There are a few things I really love about this system.

1 | Everything is in one spot

The bullet journal is essentially a diary and a list maker all in one. This is great for me, because it means I only have to carry around one book instead of a diary and a book for my lists.

2 | It keeps you accountable

I love the "migrating" feature of the bullet journal. This means if you do not finish something you can move it to another day. I go back at the end of each day / month and see what tasks I have not completed, and if they are still relevant, I add them to the next day / month. This way, I am not forgetting tasks I may not have completed.

3 | It is easily customisable for your needs.

I will run you through my version of the Bullet Journal system below, but I love how customisable the bullet journal system is. One system will not work for everyones needs, so it is really important to find a system that lets you make it your own.

My Version

Here is a look at my bullet journal and how I have adapted it to suit my needs.

First of all, I chose to use this journal from J. Burrows. I love the cream colour of the pages and the fact the lines are 6mm apart - this gives you more space! I also love the pocket at the front of the book. This is where I store my monthly calendars and tabs. They suggest using the Moleskeine notebook as the ideal journal for the Bullet Journal system - but they are really expensive!

I also purchased this pen and these tabs. I chose this pen because it has 4 different colours (much nicer than the old black, red, green & blue!) so I can use different colours for things such as events, bills, appointments etc. As you will see below, I am not using the index system, so the tabs will help me to be able to quickly find what I need.

The first page of my journal is my key. I based it on Dee's from decade thirty. I ended up basing a bit of my journal on Dee's because I love the way she set everything out.

On the next page, I included a yearly calendar - these always come in handy! I found mine at Life Your Way. I attached it to the page with wash tape (on sale at Spotlight)

Now we move into the monthly tabs. At the beginning of the month I have a monthly calendar (also from Life Your Way) this is where I record events / appointments and also bills. On the next few pages I list my tasks for the month. Like Dee, I have included a margin on these pages to make it easier to migrate / prioritise tasks. At the beginning of each month, I look back on the month before and see what tasks I have not completed and I merge them into the next month.

After I have listed my monthly tasks, I move onto my weekly tasks. Each day I write down any relevant tasks, appointments and events I have. As I move on to the next day, I check on what I have not completed from the day before and migrate them to the next day (if they are still relevant)

At the back of my journal I have general lists (in the Bullet Journal System these are referred to as "Collections.") Like Dee states in her blog post, one of the main pluses of having these "collections" at the back of the diary this is that the monthly and weekly pages can flow on from each other.

After using it for just over a week, I am seriously loving this system already. I have definitely been more organised and a lot more productive.

Let me know if you are using this system and what tweaks you have made!

- J x

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